Thursday, October 2, 2008

Play Week and Catch Up

Whew! Made it!!!! Feels like I've run a marathon.....This course has been a wonderful yet in some ways painful journey. I have certainly learned much about the Internet and have learned some new skills. Some of the exercises I would need to go back on and spend more time working through them, which I intend to do after finishing off Open Polytech assignments and a million and one other things that are competing for my attention.
I certainly enjoyed setting up my own BlogSpot and had lots of fun downloading poems and photos for it. Some of the exercises were really great and opened up new vistas of possibilities....
This will enhance my skills especially as a librarian and for user education purposes this course has been well worth it. Thanx to all who organised this!

Social Networking

The future is here and the world is getting smaller! It seems as though more and more libraries are getting on board with social networking. I think it is a very good thing that libraries are connecting with people and people connecting with libraries via the Internet as this gives more exposure to a vast range of information available. I had a look at some of the library sites on MySpace and was impressed not only by the layout and creativity of these sites, but by the vast range of activities and information on offer. who knows? Maybe one world library??????

Get Social: Bebo, MySpace, Facebook

Yep.....I admit...I took the plunge and joined!!! (Facebook that is). Must confess I didn't enjoy Bebo as much as MySpace and Facebook. I found a really great site on MySpace on the rock band Genesis and must admit to listenin' and a-hummin' along to some of those ole' favourites while watching some outstanding photo's from their live performance in Rome last year before a crowd of 500,000 people. I joined Facebook some time ago and have connected to many of the librarians on the North Shore through this. Even wrote some poetry for you all........


My experience with ebooks was 100% better than my experience with podcasts. The title (Treasure Island) I chose was easy to find and I had the option of either listening or reading it. LibriVox offered a wide range of titles however I was disappointed that I couldn't find much in the way of World War One/Two naval military history....


Sheeesssshhhh........! Don't know about other folks but I really battled hard to get my noggin' round all this! Looked at all the podcast websites but found it all way to confusing and difficult to navigate round, even though I found a lot of interesting things. I did eventually manage to do an RSS feed to my Blogline account, but I don't know if I could do it again. I think a lot more practice is required for me in this area. Again, I know I'm not the brightest bulb in the chandilier but couldn't this possibly be made somewhat simpler for us poor turnips who battle with computer technology?

Monday, September 29, 2008


Totally Awesome Dudes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I LOVE Youtube! Found some great music video's from the 70's....especially those old Genesis classics (I'm a great prog-rock lover). Also found some great clips from the Paul Hogan (remember him?) show and Seinfeld which I had a good cackle over. Pity about the slowness of our computers really does test my patience!!!! Another great resource for libraries - particularly if one is looking for documentary clips.

Web 2.0 Awards

Having worked through this course over many weeks now I have to say that Flickr is a cut above the rest. Here's why. The range of images is quite astounding and you can almost find an image on anything and everything at this site. The potential for growth and expansion is incredible. In a library context this is particularly useful for those involved in school projects, research, or plain general interest.

ZoHo is a NoGo


Just been on ZoHo.....Lost my way hopelessly....however managed to create a test document.


I must admit I found this execise rather confusing and difficult to get round....However, I have managed to create a search roll (although I'm not ON a roll here) and hope to explore this site a little bit further.
Here is the link

Library Thing Link

Library Thing

Hey Ho Folks!
This course just keeps getting better and better! I really enjoyed setting up an account at Library Thing and putting some of those gritty, action-packed, tales of derring-do naval books on my account...If I had the time, I would put my entire Naval collection here.....if I had the time.....

Image Generators

Hi Ho Folks!
Man did I have fun playin' around with Image Generators. As you can see on my blog spot I have discovered some Alphabet Soup within which is contained a hidden message.......

Monday, September 15, 2008

Sandbox Wiki

Whew! After waiting....waiting....anticipatin'.....when I clicked the "edit" button, nothing happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I waited for hours it seemed for the easy edit function to kick in. I started growing a beard and developing roots. Nevertheless, with the help of the lovely Sarah all's well that ends well!! Coolpoetry has now been added on to favourite blogs on Sandbox Wiki and I'm feelin very relieved indeed.


The idea of collaborative websites that expand and grow as people add, delete and edit information has certainly proved to be immensely appealing. In terms of information sourcing wikis really are valuable tools for enabling people to do research and learning. This is of course is enormously beneficial for libraries as one of many sources that can be effectively used to help our patrons find what they are searching for in terms of their information needs.
Certainly, our Fitch and Intranet applications would work well with a wiki.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Library 2.0

God bless modern technology. Yep! the future has arrived..... Our libraries need to be keeping up with modern technology and while I don't believe that we will ever lose our book collections Library 2.0 simply adds a new dimension to our already existing structure.

Books will never go out of date because people enjoy having the hard copy in their hands (difficult to read a good novel on the Internet). Equally however, the web does provide valuable sources of information easily, quickly and readily.


Just looked at Technorati and found it quite overwhelming at first. I really need more time to explore this website and could probably spend years doing so! I found it easy to navigate my way around the site although I found it somewhat limited in some of the areas that I was interested in - perhaps because it is very American!!!!

The covering page is clear and keeps one up to date on current items of interest. Want to explore this site when I have more time on my hands!

Monday, August 25, 2008

What can I say???? I tried....I tasted....and it was delicious! Like Oliver, I'll think I'll be going back for more.

Monday, August 18, 2008

RSS experience

Initially I found the RSS exercise quite confusing. Think I'm going to have to practice a lot more on this though. I was able to add some feeds to my blogsite but am wanting to explore what other sites I can add. Following the exercise as set out was helpful

RSS and Newsreaders

Wow! What can I say about this????? With Kathy's help I find myself completely blown away!!!!!
With this technology its instant up-to-date, up-to-the-minute information and news. Also extremely useful as far as the library as an information provider service goes. Just when I think technology can't get any does!!!!!


"Technology is such a beautiful thing
Especially my makes me sing
From smooth jazz fusion to progressive rock
Out with my earphones - to my ears they do dock
And now I'm in a world of my own
Just me, my Mp3 and my cool earphones
And tons of music to make me soar
Believe me folks, technology's no bore!"

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Yippee-Ki-yay folks! Here is another gritty, thought-provoking poem that I believe we can all relate to.

It may interest many of us to know that, here at Takapuna, we have a "hospital wing" in our library. I kid you not. My poem for this week details with this and hopefully ends with the possibility that many of our "patients" can be rehabilitated back into circulation.

This poem is entitled "The Mending Bin."

"In our library there's a spot that is filled to overflowing
The problem's not abating, its expanding and a-growin'
A tidal wave of books that is seeming never ending
Head in one direction to a bin that we call "mending."

These books they bear the scars of mistreatment and abuse
I'm sorry folks, but really, there is simply no excuse
On every page there's found heroic tales of derring-do
How can people be so thoughtless as to treat worse than poo?

Sure, we can accept that some books they do get old
But to mutilate with scissors or leave them to grow mould?
We all must stand aghast at broken spines and coffeee stains
They look so sad and forlorn, I can really feel their pain

The survival rate is good if torn pages, mindless scribble
Chances getting slimmer with chewed covers, sticky dribble
Just as well we have a team that's good with sellotape
Who lovingly repair our books and nurse them back to shape

So once again our books are sent out to everywhere
Like you, I would like to see the mending bin quite bare
The question is; are people really up to do the task?
And treat our books with love and care or is that to hard an ask?

Monday, July 28, 2008

WHOAAAAA RICH!!!! Yep, I'm REALLY on a roll here folks! I just can't help it!!!!! Here is yet another great and groovy poem from yours truly Rich the Cool Guy.

Here's something that we can all relate too. Cold dark bleak morning. Flopping haphazardly out of bed. Dragging yourself to the shower. Trudging off to work. No spring in your step..... Yep! You guessed's MONDAY!!!!!!

This poem captures the essence of what Monday is all about and it is dedicated to everyone out there who endures this odyssey week after week after week.....

" Up at 6
Can't believe I'm awake
No strong black coffee
I'm a goner by 8

From 8 until 9, I try to be inspired
Despite the fact, that I'm incredibly tired
But from 9 through to 10
Need rest. Oh when? Oh when?

10 to 11, I'm at my work station
Wish I were a bear, having 6 months hibernation
And 11 to 12, the midday fiesta
Can't we please close shop and have a siesta?

So at 12 to 1, a break! How terrific!
Doesn't help me at all, I'm sooooo soporific
I have my lunch, into the chair I sink
Is there any relief? Can I catch 40 winks?
To stay awake I try to read
But my eyelids are coming down at very high speed

From 1 until 2, am I awake? have I dozed?
I am seriously, seriously comatozed
Between 2 and 3, I'm starting to go under
The situation's desperate, I really need to slumber

The infinite stretch between between 3 and 4
Means a titanic effort not to snore
The long minutes till 5, tell me I'm barely alive
Only 30 minutes left....can I possibly survive?

By 5:30 my eyes are as heavy as lead
So its off home for me now, to my slippers and bed
I try not to think of a new day dawning
Look! Already that's got me yawning...."

REPEAT BACK TO VERSE ONE....and start all over again......

Here comes another one..........

Anne and Sarah reminded me sometime ago of an ongoing problem that many of us experience day after day. The Bus. What's all the fuss about the bus you may well ask? This poem spells it out. The short sharp stanza's convey the crippling and debilitating effects these machines have on us, and raise the question of why it's called a bus-stop and not a bus-go.

"Don't know about you, but I'm depressed when I wait
Twiddling my thumbs because the bus is late
Would get home more quickly wearing roller skates.

I sit at the stop in rain and sunlight
The empty road tells me things are not looking so bright
Looking and looking my bus is nowhere in sight

There is a timetable, but oh to what purpose?
My bus is no sleek and ultra fast porpoise
But rather a lumbering and very slow tortoise

Some buses they pass, but mine's not here
I'm starting to grow a beard I fear
Time marches on, seems I'm not going anywhere

To help pass the time, I try not to frown
But rather to sing, let the words resound
The wheels on the bus go round and round.....

Will I get home? My hopes realised?
Will I get moving? I may be surprised
Or stuck at the stop become fossilised?

I'm sure you have noticed a distinct lack of flow
Like the proverbial snail, my bus is on a go-slow
And Rich, at the stop at an all time low.

With growing finality, I'm resigned to my doom
"Where is the bus?" just deepens my gloom
Never mind drowning in a sea of exhaust and fumes.

And when finally in the distance there comes my ride
I reach for the joy that is deep inside
Home to my slippers, a toot and my pipe."
Hey tickety boo everyone!

My photo speaks to us all about time, history, productivity, innovation, thoughtfulness and the world in which we live. This has been a meaningful exercise and journey for me. My conclusion.....Flickr is my friend.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Hi Ho Folks!

Don't know about you but I'm really revved up over my new blog site. Seriously!!!!! All this wonderful technology just blows my hair back, even though I'm aware that I'm not the brightest bulb in the chandelier when it comes to things technological. So I thought (just to whet your appetite even more) that I would include another brilliant poem that I wrote a couple of years ago when I was going through the slough of despond. This poem is entitled P.R.O.M. (see if you can relate to this!).

"It's snoresville deluxe
It's dullsville supreme
It's an insomniacs delight
It is what it seems

It's eyelids come down
It's attention span short
You look at the folder
and that's your last thought

It's major league boredom
It's dreary, incomprehensible
It's the ultimate sleeping pill
It's........Principles of Record Management."

"Can I make it?"

Here's a poem that I think we all can identify with.......

"Can I make it I wonder to myself
My slippers are beckoning
and by my reckoning
I have about 8 hours to go..........."